Emvólio Dashboard

Dashboard Image

The Emvolio Dashboard serves as an impactful instrument that facilitates the remote Monitoring of vaccine carriers status and whereabouts. It features a detailed map that pinpoints each device's precise location, which simplifying the process of overseeing device movements. Moreover, the dashboard meticulously logs each instance the device's lid is opened and closed, including the duration for which it remains open, thereby enhancing the management and control over the conditions in which vaccines are stored.
The dashboard also features a temperature graph that displays the temperature of each device over time, ensuring that the vaccines remain within the recommended temperature range. The graph can be used to identify any temperature fluctuations or anomalies that may impact the vaccines viability.
The dashboard also shows the total distance each device has travelled, providing valuable data on transportation and logistics. Furthermore, it displays the currently live, online, and offline devices, allowing administrators to quickly identify any issues and take corrective action. Overall, the Emvolio Dashboard is an essential tool for managing the storage and transportation of vaccines. Its remote monitoring capabilities and comprehensive reporting features help ensure that vaccines are stored and transported safely, securely, and effectivly.